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How to build, test and run

This page explains how to install the tools you need to run OpenRefine from source and develop. This consists of:

Get OpenRefine's source code

With Git installed, use the git clone command to download the project's repo to a directory of your choice.

Set up JDK

You must install JDK and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable (please ensure it points to the JDK, and not the JRE). OpenRefine is known to work with Java 11 to 21.

  1. On Windows 10, click the Start Menu button, type env, and look at the search results. Click Edit the system environment variables. (If you are using an earlier version of Windows, use the “Search” or “Search programs and files” box in the Start Menu.)

A screenshot of the search results for 'env'.

  1. Click Environment Variables… at the bottom of the Advanced window.
  2. In the Environment Variables window that appears, click New… and create a variable with the key JAVA_HOME. You can set the variable for only your user account, as in the screenshot below, or set it as a system variable - it will work either way.

A screenshot of 'Environment Variables'.

  1. Set the Value to the folder where you installed JDK, in the format D:\Programs\OpenJDK. You can locate this folder with the Browse directory... button.


OpenRefine development requires Apache Maven for its build, test, and packaging processing. We encourage using the latest version of Apache Maven for development of OpenRefine, otherwise sometimes spurious errors appear in your IDE regarding POM, dependencies, or packages.

Install Maven. Then ensure the M2_HOME or MAVEN_HOME environment variable is set or 'mvn' is in your system PATH:


Node.js and npm

The OpenRefine webapp requires Node.js and npm to install package dependencies. We require Node.js 16 or newer. Download and install Node.js (On Windows, you can alternatively install nvm to easily manage multiple npm versions on your system). You should then have node and npm intalled. You can check the versions by typing:

node -v
npm -v

You can update the version of npm to the latest by typing

npm install -g npm@latest


To see what functions are supported by OpenRefine's build system, type

./refine -h

To build the OpenRefine application from source type:

./refine clean
./refine build

Note that the refine script is a wrapper over the Maven build system. You can often use Maven commands directly, but running some goals in isolation might fail (try adding the compile test-compile goals in your invocation if that is the case).


Since OpenRefine is composed of two parts, a server and a in-browser UI, the testing system reflects that:

  • on the server side, it's powered by TestNG and the unit tests are written in Java;
  • on the client side, we use Cypress and the tests are written in Javascript

To run server tests, use:

./refine test

To run the Cypress tests for the first time, you must go through the installation process..

Then, you need to run two processes in parallel:

  • OpenRefine itself, ideally running off a fresh workspace directory: ./refine -d /tmp/openrefine_workspace
  • Cypress, with the command yarn --cwd ./main/tests/cypress run cypress open

We recommend running only individual test suites locally and relying on our continuous integration infrastructure to run the entire test suite, as this is rather time consuming.


From the top level directory in the OpenRefine application you can build, test and run OpenRefine using the ./refine shell script (if you are working in a *nix shell), or using the refine.bat script from the Windows command line. Note that the refine.bat on Windows only supports a subset of the functionality, supported by the refine shell script. The example commands below are using the ./refine shell script, and you will need to use refine.bat if you are working from the Windows command line.

To run OpenRefine from the command line (assuming you have been able to build from the source code successfully)


By default, OpenRefine will use refine.ini for configuration. You can copy it and rename it to refine-dev.ini, which will be used for configuration instead. refine-dev.ini won't be tracked by Git, so feel free to put your custom configurations into it.

If you wish to run the application manually, without using the refine script, you can do so via Maven with mvn exec:java. The entry point of the application is the class.

Building distributions (packaged versions)

The Refine build system uses Apache Maven to automate the creation of the installation packages for the different operating systems. The packages are currently optimized to run on Mac OS X which is the only platform capable of creating the packages for all three OS that we support.

To build the distributions type

./refine dist <version>

where 'version' is the release version.

Developing with Eclipse

OpenRefine' source comes with Maven configuration files which are recognized by Eclipse if the Eclipse Maven plugin (m2e) is installed.

At the command line, go to a directory not under your Eclipse workspace directory and check out the source:

git clone

In Eclipse, invoke the Import... command and select Existing Maven Projects.

Screenshot of Import a Maven project option

Choose the root directory of your clone of the repository. You get to choose which modules of the project will be imported. You can safely leave out the packaging module which is only used to generate the Linux, Windows and MacOS distributions.

Screenshot of Select maven projects to import

To run and debug OpenRefine from Eclipse, you will need to add an execution configuration on the server sub-project. Right click on the server subproject, click Run as... and Run configurations... and create a new Maven Build run configuration. Rename the run configuration OpenRefine. Enter the root directory of the project as Base directory and use exec:java as a Maven goal.

Screenshot of Add a run configuration with the exec:java goal

This will add a run configuration that you can then use to run OpenRefine from Eclipse.

Code style

You can apply the supplied Eclipse code style (in IDEs/eclipse/ to make sure Eclipse lints your files according to the existing style. To do so, go to Window -> Preferences -> Java Code Style -> Formatter menu and enable a project-specific formatter that you can import from the XML file.

You can also configure Eclipse to sort import statements according to our conventions, by going to the Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Organize imports menu and enabling project-specific import order:

  • java
  • javax
  • *
  • org.openrefine

The dialog should look as follows: Screenshot of the dialog to configure import order in Eclipse

Pull requests deviating from this style will fail in the CI.

You can manually apply the code style (regardless of your IDE) with the ./refine lint command (or refine.bat lint on Windows).


You can run the server tests directly from Eclipse. To do that you need to have the TestNG launcher plugin installed, as well as the TestNG M2E plugin (for integration with Maven). If you don't have it, you can get it by installing new software from this update URL

Once the TestNG launching plugin is installed in your Eclipse, right click on the source folder "main/tests/server/src", select Run As -> TestNG Test. This should open a new tab with the TestNG launcher running the OpenRefine tests.

Test coverage

It is possible to analyze test coverage in Eclipse with the EclEmma Java Code Coverage plugin. It will add a Coverage as… menu similar to the Run as… and Debug as… menus which will then display the covered and missed lines in the source editor.


Here's an example of putting configuration in Eclipse for debugging, like putting values for the Google Data extension. Other type of configurations that can be set are memory, Wikidata login information and more.

Screenshot of Eclipse debug configuration

Developing with IntelliJ IDEA

At the command line, go to a directory you want to save the OpenRefine project and execute the following command to clone the repository:

git clone

Then, open the IntelliJ idea and go to file -> open and select the location of the cloned repository.

Screenshot of Open option on the IntelliJ File menu

It will prompt you to add as a maven project as the source code contains a pom.xml file in it. Allow auto-import so that it can add it as a maven project. If it doesn't prompt something like this then you can go on the right side of the IDE and click on maven then, click on reimport all the maven projects that will add all the dependencies and jar files required for the project.

Screenshot of Maven project controls in IntelliJ

After this, you will be able to properly build, test, and run the OpenRefine project from the terminal. But if you will go to any of the test folders and open some file it will show you some import errors because the project isn't yet set up at the module level.

For removing those errors, and enjoying the features of the IDE like ctrl + click, etc you need to set up the project at the module level too. Open the different modules like extensions/wikidata, main as a project in the IDE. Then, right-click on the project folder and open the module settings.

Screenshot of open module settings menu in IntelliJ

In the module settings, add the source folder and test source folders of that module.

Screenshot of module settings in IntelliJ

Then, do the same thing for the main OpenRefine project and now you are good to go.

Code style

You can set up IntelliJ to follow the style conventions we use in OpenRefine, as IntelliJ is able to import Eclipse style files. Go to Settings -> Editor -> Code style -> Java and import the style configuration file as follows:

Screenshot of importing an Eclipse style file in IntelliJ

The style file is located at IDEs/eclipse/ in the repository. Note that this won't configure import ordering since this isn't included in the Eclipse code style export.

You can also configure the import order for the OpenRefine to follow the following order:

  • java
  • javax
  • *
  • org.openrefine

And disable the use of star imports by setting the thresholds for their activation at 99.

Screenshot of import order settings in IntelliJ

To automatically format the code from the command-line, you can also use ./refine lint (or refine.bat lint on Windows).